Sunday, January 23, 2011

Glazed Carrots

Carrots can provide you healthy doses of beta-carotene, anti-oxidants and Potassium. Here is a way to jazz it up to make it attractive for kids and grown-ups alike.
What you need:
  • Carrots
  • Brown sugar
  • Orange juice
  • Butter
  • Cinnamon stick

Chop carrots. I prefer to keep the skin on since most of the Potassium is right under the skin (just like potatoes). I scrub the carrots with mild soap before chopping.
In a heavy pan, add butter, fry carrots for two minutes on high till evenly coated.
Add a cup of orange juice and 2 to 3 spoons of brown sugar, add a small stick of cinnamon.
Mix, cover and cook on medium for 10 minutes.
Remove cover, fry till all liquid is evaporated and you are done.

Tricks and tips:
Add a little ginger during the process to add some zing
Let cool at room temperature, sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.
Serve with your favorite ice cream and whip cream
Use ripened plantains or yams instead of carrots.

Carrots are originated in Afghanistan and black in color. With selective breeding over centuries, carrots are now produced in varied colors and sizes.
Baby carrots are made from regular carrots (1 carrot = 3 baby carrots). Machines remove the skin and polish them to look like small carrots. What started as a way of reclaiming hard to sell imperfect carrots now became a multi billion dollar industry.

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