Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Spicy Chard

Swiss Chard - Here is a green that's packed with vitamin A, K and a host of other nutrients.It's easy to prepare and quite tasty too.
What you need:
  • Swiss Chard (white or red)
  • Garlic
  • Crushed chili pepper (pinch)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt/pepper
  • Lemon juice
Clean, drain and roughly cop the greens.
Heat the pan, add oil, chopped garlic and crushed pepper. Fry for a minute, add greens, stir and cover. Cook for about 5 minutes. Adjust salt and pepper and add lemon juice and you are done.
You can follow this simple process with most other greens.
Add chopped onions, bell peppers in the beginning.
Drizzel with more olive oil and roasted pine nuts.

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